You have to download packages below.
# yum install yum-utils rpmdevtools
# yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r)
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Create user in Linux via vbscript
You can combine with previous script to handle creating users for AD and linux together.
I use plink to connect and execute useradd and passwd commands.
Edit sudo file to give these permissions to a user execute two command useradd and sudo. Do not forget to encrypt vbscript.
I use plink to connect and execute useradd and passwd commands.
Edit sudo file to give these permissions to a user execute two command useradd and sudo. Do not forget to encrypt vbscript.
Dim strUser, strName, strContainer
strUser = InputBox (" Create user","username","")
strName = InputBox ("Name Surname","Name Surname","")
'if you want usernames in lowercase
'strUser = Lcase(StrUser)
' Check username length
If Len(strUser) = 0 Then
wscript.echo "empty username ?"
End If
call Useradd(strUser)
Function Useradd(strUser)
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
rc=WshShell.Run("c:\windows\plink.exe AUSERHAVINGSUDO@ -pw password useradd -d /home/"&
strUser &" -s /bin/csh -c " & strUser & " -m " & strUser , 1, FALSE)
if err.number <> 0 Then
wscript.echo "problem creating user for linux"
End if
End Function
Create user in AD, vbscript
Create and enable user in active directory environment. Set default password, and force user to change password in first logon.
Dim objRootLDAP, objContainer, objUser, objShell
Dim strUser, strName, strContainer
strUser = InputBox (" Create user","username","")
strName = InputBox ("Name Surname","Name Surname","")
'if you want usernames in lowercase
'strUser = Lcase(StrUser)
' Check username length
If Len(strUser) = 0 Then
wscript.echo "empty username ?"
End If
call ADCreateUser(strUser,strName)
Function ADCreateUser(strUser,strName)
' parameters
' strName = strUser
strNewPasswd = "NA"&strUser&"99"
strContainer = "OU=YOUROU ,"
wscript.echo "username: " & strUser & " password: " & strNewPasswd
' Bind to Active Directory, Users container.
Set objRootLDAP = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")
Set objContainer = GetObject("LDAP://" & strContainer & objRootLDAP.Get("defaultNamingContext"))
' create user.
Set objUser = objContainer.Create("User", "cn=" & strUser)
objUser.Put "sAMAccountName", strUser
objUser.Put "displayName", strName
'Password set
objUser.Put "userAccountControl", 512
objUser.Put "PwdLastSet", 0
End Function
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Fedora 10 Installation from hard disk without cd/dvd or usb
I have running Fedora 6 and enough disk space to hold fedora 10 dvd iso.
Main idea is using initrd.img and vmlinuz under isolinux directory of dvd iso. Put them under /boot directory, edit grub.conf and boot from that kernel.
Downloaded Fedora-10-i386-DVD.iso to /mnt/disk2part1
Disk2part1 is /dev/hdc1 or /dev/sdc1.
# cd /mnt/disk2part1
# mkdir test
# mkdir images
# mount -o loop Fedora-10-i386-DVD.iso test
# cd test/isolinux
# cp initrd.img /boot/fedora10initrd.img
# cp vmlinuz /boot/fedora10vmlinuz
# cd ../images/
# cp install.img ../../images/
Now edit /boot/grub/grub.conf and add lines below
title Install Fedora 10
root (hd0,0)
kernel /fedora10vmlinuz
initrd /fedora10initrd.img
You should know where is your /boot directory. For me(hd0,0).
I select "install fedora 10" in boot screen and hard disk installation method.
Main idea is using initrd.img and vmlinuz under isolinux directory of dvd iso. Put them under /boot directory, edit grub.conf and boot from that kernel.
Downloaded Fedora-10-i386-DVD.iso to /mnt/disk2part1
Disk2part1 is /dev/hdc1 or /dev/sdc1.
# cd /mnt/disk2part1
# mkdir test
# mkdir images
# mount -o loop Fedora-10-i386-DVD.iso test
# cd test/isolinux
# cp initrd.img /boot/fedora10initrd.img
# cp vmlinuz /boot/fedora10vmlinuz
# cd ../images/
# cp install.img ../../images/
Now edit /boot/grub/grub.conf and add lines below
title Install Fedora 10
root (hd0,0)
kernel /fedora10vmlinuz
initrd /fedora10initrd.img
You should know where is your /boot directory. For me(hd0,0).
I select "install fedora 10" in boot screen and hard disk installation method.
webmin ssl_error_rx_record_too_long error
Install perl-Net-SSLeay module.
# yum inatall perl-Net-SSLeay
Now you can use ssl for webmin.
# yum inatall perl-Net-SSLeay
Now you can use ssl for webmin.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Ftp for Windows OS error handling
I need a ftp script for uploading files but in Windows OS this is not easy to handle. Error handling is painfull.
I wrote a python script, which you can supply two argument; local directory and file name you want to upload. So you can run this ftp python from batch file or vbscript.
It has good error handling for most kind of errors, could send email to you. Please fill related parameters. You should have running smtp server for getting email.
I put two vbscript function below, which can handle calling python script and send email in case of error.
First function for calling ftp python script.
Second function for sending email in case of vbscript error.(You should put "on error resume next" in your script)
Python ftp script starts here
I wrote a python script, which you can supply two argument; local directory and file name you want to upload. So you can run this ftp python from batch file or vbscript.
It has good error handling for most kind of errors, could send email to you. Please fill related parameters. You should have running smtp server for getting email.
I put two vbscript function below, which can handle calling python script and send email in case of error.
First function for calling ftp python script.
Second function for sending email in case of vbscript error.(You should put "on error resume next" in your script)
Function ftppython(ftpfile)
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run "E:\dirofyourscript\ E:\sysadmins\log "&ftpfile, 0, False
If Err.number <> 0 Then
End If
Set objShell = Nothing
end function
Function sendanemail
Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objMessage.Subject = "Problem mnp1 alarm script"
objMessage.From = ""
objMessage.To = ";"
objMessage.TextBody = "Problem script"
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = "IPAdressofyoursmtp"
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 25
end function
Python ftp script starts here
from ftplib import FTP
import sys, os, os.path, operator, shutil, smtplib
def upload(handle,filename):
f = open(filename,"rb")
(base,ext) = os.path.splitext(filename)
picext = ".bmp .jpg .jpeg .dib .tif .tiff .gif .png"
handle.storbinary("STOR " + filename,f,1)
except Exception:
sendanemailo("Successful upload,but check it")
print "Successful upload."
handle.storbinary("STOR " + filename,f)
except Exception:
sendanemail("Successful upload, but check it.")
print "Successful upload."
def download(handle,filename):
f2 = open(filename,"wb")
handle.retrbinary("RETR " + filename,f2.write)
except Exception:
sendanemail("Error in downloadtelneting the remote file.")
print "Successful download!"
def sendanemail(msg):
fromaddr = ""
toaddrs = ""
subject = "ftp problem"
headers = "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n" % (fromaddr, toaddrs, subject)
message = headers + msg
server = smtplib.SMTP('ipadressofmailserver')
server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, message)
#here are some parameters
host_name = "writeipaddress"
user = "user"
pwd = "password"
oldlocaldir = "z:\\sysadmins\log"
remotedir= "/remote/dir/"
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
sendanemail("there is no argument")
uploadfile= sys.argv[2]
localdir = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.exists(uploadfile):
sendanemail("There is no file to upload")
if not os.path.exists(oldlocaldir):
sendanemail("There is no dir to move files")
if not os.path.exists(localdir):
sendanemail("There is no local dir")
try: ftph = FTP(host_name)
sendanemail("Host could not be resolved.")
else: pass
except Exception:
sendanemail("Invalid login combination.")
print "Successfully connected!\n"
try: os.chdir(localdir)
sendanemail("chdir problem ")
try: ftph.cwd(remotedir)
sendanemail("there is problem in remotedir")
try: upload(ftph,uploadfile)
sendanemail("upload problem")
try: shutil.move (uploadfile,oldlocaldir)
sendanemail("problem move file")
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
How to find LUN id? Solaris
Your disk from Format command
grep related part luxadm probe
Use logical path
MPxIO c#t#d# c4t60060E8004F359000000F35900000D1Ad0
Array WWN 50060e8004f35919 (device address part)
lun 0 (device address part array wwn,LUN address (hex value) )
HBA WWNs 2000000173016d35
6. c4t60060E8004F359000000F35900000D1Ad0
grep related part luxadm probe
luxadm probe | grep c4t60060E8004F359000000F35900000D1Ad0
Logical Path:/dev/rdsk/c4t60060E8004F359000000F35900000D1Ad0s2
Use logical path
luxadm display /dev/rdsk/c4t60060E8004F359000000F35900000D1Ad0s2
DEVICE PROPERTIES for disk: /dev/rdsk/c4t60060E8004F359000000F35900000D1Ad0s2
Product ID: OPEN-V -SUN
Revision: 5008
Serial Num: 50 0F3590D1A
Unformatted capacity: 30720.000 MBytes
Write Cache: Enabled
Read Cache: Enabled
Minimum prefetch: 0x0
Maximum prefetch: 0x0
Device Type: Disk device
Controller /devices/pci@8,700000/SUNW,jfca@5/fp@0,0
Device Address 50060e8004f35919,0 (LUN is here, hex value)
Host controller port WWN 2000000173016d35
Class primary
Controller /devices/pci@9,600000/SUNW,jfca@2/fp@0,0
Device Address 50060e8004f35909,0
Host controller port WWN 20000001730151e3
Class primary
MPxIO c#t#d# c4t60060E8004F359000000F35900000D1Ad0
Array WWN 50060e8004f35919 (device address part)
lun 0 (device address part array wwn,LUN address (hex value) )
HBA WWNs 2000000173016d35
Friday, 5 September 2008
Solaris x86 boot GRUB bootenv.rc problem
GRUB Based Booting for Solaris x86
I had booting problem last week. After grub screen, screen was black and later reboot. First I try rebooting verbose mode editing line in grub "kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot kernel/unix -v"
How to Modify the Solaris Boot Behavior by Editing the GRUB Menu -->
Then I got:
first we edit bootenv.rc
I could proceed with pressing ctrl+d two times (which stops running script at that time). So I could proceed with booting.
This is a bug related to kernel. Probably kernel do not show boot process to screeen. Also some boot scripts which gets information from eeprom (related to boot-args) hanged. In that kind of situations Ctrl+d could be good solution if you belive scripts hanged during boot.
I had booting problem last week. After grub screen, screen was black and later reboot. First I try rebooting verbose mode editing line in grub "kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot kernel/unix -v"
How to Modify the Solaris Boot Behavior by Editing the GRUB Menu -->
Then I got:
/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc - line 23, syntax error.
first we edit bootenv.rc
setprop console 'ttyb'
setprop console 'screen'
I could proceed with pressing ctrl+d two times (which stops running script at that time). So I could proceed with booting.
This is a bug related to kernel. Probably kernel do not show boot process to screeen. Also some boot scripts which gets information from eeprom (related to boot-args) hanged. In that kind of situations Ctrl+d could be good solution if you belive scripts hanged during boot.
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Export data from oracle via vbscript
I need to export data from oracle so it will be possible for me to generate alert from that log file. I do this because we do not have permission to change anything in the database.
Be carefull about fields section, you must know how many columns in the table.
Be carefull about fields section, you must know how many columns in the table.
dquerry="select * from table"
'Filesystem Object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Check if file exist
If objFSO.FileExists(path) Then
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(path,8,True)
wscript.echo "there is no file I am creating"
set objFile = objFSO.createtextfile(path)
'set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(path,8, True)
end If
'open connection to database
Dim strCon
strCon = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; " & _
"(HOST=" & strHost & ")(PORT=" & strPort & "))" & _
"(CONNECT_DATA=(SID = " & strSID & "))); uid=" & strUsername & ";pwd=" & strPassword & ";"
Dim oCon: Set oCon = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Dim oRs: Set oRs = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oCon.Open strCon
Set oRs = oCon.Execute(querry)
While Not oRs.EOF
objFile.WriteLine(oRs.Fields(0).Value &"," & oRs.Fields(1).Value &"," & oRs.Fields(2).Value &"," & oRs.Fields(3).Value &"," & oRs.Fields(4).Value
&"," & oRs.Fields(5).Value &"," & oRs.Fields(6).Value &"," & oRs.Fields(7).Value &"," & oRs.Fields(8).Value &"," & oRs.Fields(9).Value &"," &
oRs.Fields(10).Value &"," & oRs.Fields(11).Value &"," & oRs.Fields(12).Value &"," & "Q3" &"," & "Q3" &"," & oRs.Fields(15).Value &"," & oRs.Fields(16).Value
Set oRs = Nothing
Set oCon = Nothing
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Flash archive backup central server
I create flash archive backup and copy to central server. If there is any error in backup process or scp process I got mail.
Also scp works passwordless and secure.
First create transfer user at central server and give necceseery permissions.
At the main server:
At servers which you are going to backup, create public keys.
copy content to the transfer user in central server /transferuserhomedirectory/.ssh/authorized_keys . Be carefull there is no line break in the file.
now you can login without password to central server test is ssh transfer@centralserver.
This is the script that you can backup weekly.
Also scp works passwordless and secure.
First create transfer user at central server and give necceseery permissions.
At the main server:
# useradd transfer -d /export/home/transfer
# passwd transfer
# chown transfer /centralbackup/dir
At servers which you are going to backup, create public keys.
# ssh-keygen -t rsa
# cat ~/.ssh/
copy content to the transfer user in central server /transferuserhomedirectory/.ssh/authorized_keys . Be carefull there is no line break in the file.
now you can login without password to central server test is ssh transfer@centralserver.
This is the script that you can backup weekly.
backupname=$(hostname)_$(date '+%Y%m%d')
#if you want to exclude directories when you are creating flash archive use -x
flarcreate -c -S -n $backupname -x /putdirthatyouwanttoexclude -x /anotherexclude $backupdir/$backupname.flar
#check if there is problem creating flash archive
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo flarcreate problem in $(hostname) "\n" | mailx -s "$(hostname) flarcreate problem" $mailaddress
exit 1
scp $backupdir/$backupname.flar $remoteloc
#check if there is problem copying to central server.
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo backup copy problem in $(hostname) "\n" | mailx -s "$(hostname) backup copy problem" $mailaddress
exit 1
#deletes backup of previous week
rm $backdir/$(hostname)_$(TZ=GMT+167 date +%Y%m%d).flar
#check if there is problem deleting file
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo old backup delete problem in $(hostname) "\n" | mailx -s "$(hostname) old backup delete problem" $mailaddress
exit 1
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Inetadm connection_backlog
I patched Solaris 10 x86 which holding a another zone in container.
I got error booting guest zones
Output of svcs -xv says gss inetd and related services are failing
I set the value below and restarted zone, now it is ok
inetadm -M connection_backlog=10
I got error booting guest zones
Sep 2 13:23:54 inetd[22765]: Unable to read debug property from config property group. scf_simple_prop_get() failed: entity not found
Sep 2 13:23:54 inetd[22765]: Property 'connection_backlog' of instance svc:/network/rpc/gss:default is missing, inconsistent or invalid
Sep 2 13:23:55 svc.startd[22540]: network/inetd:default failed repeatedly: transitioned to maintenance (see 'svcs -xv' for details)
Sep 2 13:23:55 svc.startd[22540]: failed to abandon contract 32259: Permission denied
Output of svcs -xv says gss inetd and related services are failing
svc:/network/rpc/gss:default (Generic Security Service)
State: uninitialized since Tue Sep 02 14:43:58 2008
Reason: Restarter svc:/network/inetd:default is not running.
See: gssd(1M)
Impact: 14 dependent services are not running. (Use -v for list.)
svc:/application/print/server:default (LP print server)
State: disabled since Tue Sep 02 14:43:57 2008
Reason: Disabled by an administrator.
See: lpsched(1M)
Impact: 1 dependent service is not running. (Use -v for list.)
svc:/network/rpc/rstat:default (kernel statistics server)
State: uninitialized since Tue Sep 02 14:43:58 2008
Reason: Restarter svc:/network/inetd:default is not running.
See: rpc.rstatd(1M)
See: rstatd(1M)
Impact: 1 dependent service is not running. (Use -v for list.)
svc:/network/rpc/smserver:default (removable media management)
State: uninitialized since Tue Sep 02 14:43:58 2008
Reason: Restarter svc:/network/inetd:default is not running.
See: rpc.smserverd(1M)
Impact: 1 dependent service is not running. (Use -v for list.)
svc:/application/print/cleanup:default (print cleanup)
State: maintenance since Tue Sep 02 14:43:58 2008
Reason: Start method failed repeatedly, last exited with status 1.
See: /var/svc/log/application-print-cleanup:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.
svc:/network/inetd:default (inetd)
State: maintenance since Tue Sep 02 14:44:07 2008
Reason: Restarting too quickly.
See: inetd(1M)
See: /var/svc/log/network-inetd:default.log
I set the value below and restarted zone, now it is ok
inetadm -M connection_backlog=10
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Booting Solaris Intel into single user mode
Press e in when grub shows at boot time.
Edit multiboot line below and add -s to the end press enter
then b for boot
root (hd0,0,a)
kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot -s
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
Or you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add new entries like below copy your original entries in the file and add -s to end of multiboot line.
title Solaris 10 11/06 s10x_u3wos_10 X86
root (hd0,0,a)
kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot -s
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
Edit multiboot line below and add -s to the end press enter
then b for boot
root (hd0,0,a)
kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot -s
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
Or you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add new entries like below copy your original entries in the file and add -s to end of multiboot line.
title Solaris 10 11/06 s10x_u3wos_10 X86
root (hd0,0,a)
kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot -s
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Secure port forwarding without shell access
My aim was connection to ssh deamon on defined port (4321 for this example) different then default port and specific users (only for theusername for this example) without shell access and permiting port forwarding. Chroot for sshd is painfull.
Create custum sshd config file
Changed options in sshd_config_custom file
With this configuration file, only theusername could connect ssh deamon on port 4321.
Run sshd deamon
Change shell to /usr/bin/false in passwd file
If you do not have false shell create read only shell.
Make executable
From remote computer:
So user had to use -N option for ssh command
For port forwarding from another system
-p for changed ssh port in sshd_config_custom
Now user could not give any command on the server but could port forward 9999 from the server to computer.
Create custum sshd config file
cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/sshsshd_config_custom
Changed options in sshd_config_custom file
Port 4321
PermitRootLogin no
AllowUsers theusername
With this configuration file, only theusername could connect ssh deamon on port 4321.
Run sshd deamon
/usr/lib/ssh/sshd -f /data01/tcell/sshd_config_config
Change shell to /usr/bin/false in passwd file
vi /etc/passwd
If you do not have false shell create read only shell.
vi /usr/bin/dummyshell
add two lines below
bash -r -c read
Make executable
chmod a+x /usr/bin/dummyshell
From remote computer:
So user had to use -N option for ssh command
Does not execute a remote command. This is useful if you
just want to forward ports (protocol version 2 only).
For port forwarding from another system
ssh -N theusername@ipadressoftheserver -L 9999: -p 4321
-p for changed ssh port in sshd_config_custom
Now user could not give any command on the server but could port forward 9999 from the server to computer.
Friday, 15 August 2008
Shell script argument check and directory check
With this part you can check arguments are supplied and give usage information.
if [ $# -ne 2 ]
echo 1>&2 Usage: $0 firstdatafile lastdatafile
exit 127
Create if directory does not exist
if ! test -d "$DESTDIR"
then mkdir -p $DESTDIR
if [ $# -ne 2 ]
echo 1>&2 Usage: $0 firstdatafile lastdatafile
exit 127
Create if directory does not exist
if ! test -d "$DESTDIR"
then mkdir -p $DESTDIR
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Relocating Oracle Data Files
Check for location
Take tablespace offline
Tablespace altered.
Copy file to the new location.
cp /dbfiles/oradata03/loc/FILE_DATA01.dbf /dbfiles/oradata05/loc/FILE_DATA01.dbf
Check for file permission and owner.
Do it for Oracle
SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE FILE_DATA RENAME DATAFILE '/dbfiles/oradata03/loc/FILE_DATA01.dbf' to '/dbfiles/oradata05/loc/FILE_DATA01.dbf';
Tablespace altered.
Take tablespace online
Tablespace altered.
Take tablespace offline
Tablespace altered.
Copy file to the new location.
cp /dbfiles/oradata03/loc/FILE_DATA01.dbf /dbfiles/oradata05/loc/FILE_DATA01.dbf
Check for file permission and owner.
Do it for Oracle
SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE FILE_DATA RENAME DATAFILE '/dbfiles/oradata03/loc/FILE_DATA01.dbf' to '/dbfiles/oradata05/loc/FILE_DATA01.dbf';
Tablespace altered.
Take tablespace online
Tablespace altered.
Monday, 11 August 2008
Solaris new disks from SAN
This commands help you to force configuration of new disks.
cfgadm -o force_update -c configure c3
Then you can run devfsadm or drvconfig
and later format and newfs.
You can see that c3::50060e8004f35909 c2::50060e8004f35919 not configured.
Run cfgadm
cfgadm -o force_update -c configure c2
Now you can see c2::50060e8004f35919 configured. Do this also for c3
After that I can see disk in format menu. Change disk layout.
6. c4t60060E8004F359000000F35900000D1Ad0
Create file system
newfs /dev/rdsk/c4t60060E8004F359000000F35900000D1Ad0s0
cfgadm -o force_update -c configure c3
Then you can run devfsadm or drvconfig
and later format and newfs.
# cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c0 scsi-bus connected configured unknown
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 CD-ROM connected configured unknown
c1 fc-private connected configured unknown
c1::500000e010c3b8e1 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500000e010c466c1 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500000e010c47e51 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500000e010c47f31 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500000e010c49711 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500000e010c49b41 disk connected configured unknown
c1::50800200001f8811 ESI connected configured unknown
c2 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c2::50060e8000c41da3 disk connected configured unknown
c2::50060e8000c41da7 disk connected configured unknown
c2::50060e8004f35919 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c3 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c3::50060e8000c41da2 disk connected configured unknown
c3::50060e8000c41da6 disk connected configured unknown
c3::50060e8004f35909 disk connected unconfigured unknown
pcisch0:hpc1_slot0 fibre/hp connected configured ok
pcisch0:hpc1_slot1 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
pcisch0:hpc1_slot2 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
pcisch0:hpc1_slot3 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
pcisch2:hpc2_slot4 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
pcisch2:hpc2_slot5 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
pcisch2:hpc2_slot6 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
pcisch3:hpc0_slot7 fibre/hp connected configured ok
pcisch3:hpc0_slot8 pci-pci/hp connected configured ok
You can see that c3::50060e8004f35909 c2::50060e8004f35919 not configured.
Run cfgadm
cfgadm -o force_update -c configure c2
Now you can see c2::50060e8004f35919 configured. Do this also for c3
# cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c0 scsi-bus connected configured unknown
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 CD-ROM connected configured unknown
c1 fc-private connected configured unknown
c1::500000e010c3b8e1 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500000e010c466c1 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500000e010c47e51 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500000e010c47f31 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500000e010c49711 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500000e010c49b41 disk connected configured unknown
c1::50800200001f8811 ESI connected configured unknown
c2 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c2::50060e8000c41da3 disk connected configured unknown
c2::50060e8000c41da7 disk connected configured unknown
c2::50060e8004f35919 disk connected configured unknown
c3 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c3::50060e8000c41da2 disk connected configured unknown
c3::50060e8000c41da6 disk connected configured unknown
c3::50060e8004f35909 disk connected unconfigured unknown
pcisch0:hpc1_slot0 fibre/hp connected configured ok
pcisch0:hpc1_slot1 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
pcisch0:hpc1_slot2 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
pcisch0:hpc1_slot3 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
pcisch2:hpc2_slot4 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
pcisch2:hpc2_slot5 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
pcisch2:hpc2_slot6 unknown empty unconfigured unknown
pcisch3:hpc0_slot7 fibre/hp connected configured ok
pcisch3:hpc0_slot8 pci-pci/hp connected configured ok
After that I can see disk in format menu. Change disk layout.
6. c4t60060E8004F359000000F35900000D1Ad0
Create file system
newfs /dev/rdsk/c4t60060E8004F359000000F35900000D1Ad0s0
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Making rpm package from source
If you downloaded source rpm package like *.src.rpm,
You cand make rpm package with rpmbuild command.
# rpmbuild --rebuild /var/tcell/packagename.src.rpm
You cand make rpm package with rpmbuild command.
# rpmbuild --rebuild /var/tcell/packagename.src.rpm
Sysstat linux package - sar sa1 sa2 sadc
For SUSE I installed these packages before installing sysstat
rpm -ivh libgcj-3.3.3-43.24.i586.rpm
rpm -ivh plotutils-2.4.1-575.1.i586.rpm
rpm -ivh gettext-0.14.1-30.1.i586.rpm
rpm -ivh sysstat-5.0.1-35.1.i586.rpm
rpm -ivh gnuplot-3.7.3-256.1.i586.rpm
I took some time for me to find cron job location
#crontab for sysstat
#activity reports every 10 minutes everyday
-*/10 * * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa1
#update reports every 6 hours
0 */6 * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -A
You can check reports via sar command. If you want to be sure that cron wor
sar -f /var/log/sa/sa07
Last two digit depends on day of month
You can find configuration file under /etc/sysstat
ls /etc/sysstat
sysstat sysstat.cron sysstat.ioconf
rpm -ivh libgcj-3.3.3-43.24.i586.rpm
rpm -ivh plotutils-2.4.1-575.1.i586.rpm
rpm -ivh gettext-0.14.1-30.1.i586.rpm
rpm -ivh sysstat-5.0.1-35.1.i586.rpm
rpm -ivh gnuplot-3.7.3-256.1.i586.rpm
I took some time for me to find cron job location
#crontab for sysstat
#activity reports every 10 minutes everyday
-*/10 * * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa1
#update reports every 6 hours
0 */6 * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -A
You can check reports via sar command. If you want to be sure that cron wor
sar -f /var/log/sa/sa07
Last two digit depends on day of month
You can find configuration file under /etc/sysstat
ls /etc/sysstat
sysstat sysstat.cron sysstat.ioconf
Thursday, 24 July 2008
unary operator expected shell script
Place quotes around your variables
if [ "$state" != "" ]
echo problem
if [ "$state" != "" ]
echo problem
Monday, 14 July 2008
Subtract dates in Linux
This is working for Linux
main idea find the seconds since "00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC"
then subtract them. This is GNU extension.
$ a=$(date -d "Tue Apr 29 14:02:19 PDT 2003" +%s)
$ b=$(date -d "Tue Apr 05 14:02:19 PDT 2003" +%s)
$ d=$(( $a - $b ))
$ echo $(( $d / 3600 / 24 ))
main idea find the seconds since "00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC"
then subtract them. This is GNU extension.
$ a=$(date -d "Tue Apr 29 14:02:19 PDT 2003" +%s)
$ b=$(date -d "Tue Apr 05 14:02:19 PDT 2003" +%s)
$ d=$(( $a - $b ))
$ echo $(( $d / 3600 / 24 ))
Friday, 11 July 2008
gcc-4.1.1 solaris 10 AMD Sun Fire X4100 M2
Old version off gcc was already installed so I used it.
bunzip2 gcc-4.1.1.tar.bz2
/usr/sfw/bin/gtar xvf gcc-4.1.1.tar
cd gcc-4.1.1
We need gnu make
ln -s /usr/sfw/bin/gmake /usr/sbin/make
Env variables
export PATH=/usr/ucb:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sfw/bin
export CC=gcc
Configure with recommended options
./configure --with-as=/usr/sfw/bin/gas --with-gnu-as --with-ld=/usr/ccs/bin/ld --without-gnu-ld --enable-languages=c,c++ --enable-shared
make install
bunzip2 gcc-4.1.1.tar.bz2
/usr/sfw/bin/gtar xvf gcc-4.1.1.tar
cd gcc-4.1.1
We need gnu make
ln -s /usr/sfw/bin/gmake /usr/sbin/make
Env variables
export PATH=/usr/ucb:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sfw/bin
export CC=gcc
Configure with recommended options
./configure --with-as=/usr/sfw/bin/gas --with-gnu-as --with-ld=/usr/ccs/bin/ld --without-gnu-ld --enable-languages=c,c++ --enable-shared
make install
typeflag L not recognized
Error with tar
typeflag 'L' not recognized, converting to regular file
use gtar
typeflag 'L' not recognized, converting to regular file
use gtar
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Vmware Xp unmountable_boot_volume
vmware server installed in suse linux 9
When we were installing Windows Xp, we got unmountable_boot_volume error.
I converted Xp installation cd to iso image and mount iso image instead of mounting cd
When we were installing Windows Xp, we got unmountable_boot_volume error.
I converted Xp installation cd to iso image and mount iso image instead of mounting cd
Friday, 18 April 2008
Use a PAE enabled kernel
If server has 4 GB or more memory, some operating systems may not access all of the memory. 64 bit OS are out of this subject.
Some PCI, PCI-X and PCI-Express cards use memory below 4 GB which known as PCI hole or PCI Extended Configuration Space. This space could not allocated for system memory and relocated above 4 GB. Then if the operating system is not PAE enabled or not allowed to because of limitation (like Windows Standart edition) could not use this memory location and shows less then 4 GB.
For Windows edition you can add /PAE switch to the boot.ini. (not for XP and standart edition)
For Linux
I confused, because kernel-smp (2.6) versions say that it is supporting up to 16 GB.
But You have to install bigsmp kernel instead of smp for SUSE. And i686-smp or hugemem kernels for Red Hat. (kernel-hugemem is required for memory configurations higher than 16 GB).
There is kernel-pae packeges for some distributions(Fedora, CentOS).
You can find warning message "Use a PAE enabled kernel" from output of dmesg command.
BTW There is another option that you can compile your kernel.
Some PCI, PCI-X and PCI-Express cards use memory below 4 GB which known as PCI hole or PCI Extended Configuration Space. This space could not allocated for system memory and relocated above 4 GB. Then if the operating system is not PAE enabled or not allowed to because of limitation (like Windows Standart edition) could not use this memory location and shows less then 4 GB.
For Windows edition you can add /PAE switch to the boot.ini. (not for XP and standart edition)
For Linux
I confused, because kernel-smp (2.6) versions say that it is supporting up to 16 GB.
But You have to install bigsmp kernel instead of smp for SUSE. And i686-smp or hugemem kernels for Red Hat. (kernel-hugemem is required for memory configurations higher than 16 GB).
There is kernel-pae packeges for some distributions(Fedora, CentOS).
You can find warning message "Use a PAE enabled kernel" from output of dmesg command.
BTW There is another option that you can compile your kernel.
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Zenoss Installation Fedora 7
Zenoss requires older version of python. But Fedora 7 or later comes with newer version.
Mysql installation
Mysql packages
# chkconfig mysqld on
# service mysqld start
Give password for mysql
# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password pass
Some other packages you need:
python installation
You need older version of python (2.4) for zenoss installation. You can compile and install to another path
# mkdir /opt/python/python2.4.4
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/python/python2.4.4
# make
# make install
# cd /usr/local/bin
# ln -s /opt/python/python2.4.4/bin/python
# ln -s /opt/python/python2.4.4/bin/python2.4
zenoss installation
# useradd zenoss
# cat /etc/passwd | grep zenoss
edit profile
cd /home/zenoss
vi .bashrc
export ZENHOME=/usr/local/zenoss
export PYTHONPATH=$ZENHOME/lib/python
export PATH=$ZENHOME/bin:$PATH
# mkdir /usr/local/zenoss
# chown zenoss /usr/local/zenoss
$ tar xvf zenoss-2.1.3.tar.gz
$ cd zenoss-2.1.3
$ ./
I got this error
AttributeError: /usr/local/zenoss/bin/python: undefined symbol: netsnmp_get_version
Solve this with installing packages below
# rpm -ivh lm_sensors-2.10.3-2.fc7.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh net-snmp-libs-5.4-13.fc7.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh net-snmp-5.4-13.fc7.i386.rpm
Mysql installation
Mysql packages
# chkconfig mysqld on
# service mysqld start
Give password for mysql
# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password pass
Some other packages you need:
python installation
You need older version of python (2.4) for zenoss installation. You can compile and install to another path
# mkdir /opt/python/python2.4.4
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/python/python2.4.4
# make
# make install
# cd /usr/local/bin
# ln -s /opt/python/python2.4.4/bin/python
# ln -s /opt/python/python2.4.4/bin/python2.4
zenoss installation
# useradd zenoss
# cat /etc/passwd | grep zenoss
edit profile
cd /home/zenoss
vi .bashrc
export ZENHOME=/usr/local/zenoss
export PYTHONPATH=$ZENHOME/lib/python
export PATH=$ZENHOME/bin:$PATH
# mkdir /usr/local/zenoss
# chown zenoss /usr/local/zenoss
$ tar xvf zenoss-2.1.3.tar.gz
$ cd zenoss-2.1.3
$ ./
I got this error
AttributeError: /usr/local/zenoss/bin/python: undefined symbol: netsnmp_get_version
Solve this with installing packages below
# rpm -ivh lm_sensors-2.10.3-2.fc7.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh net-snmp-libs-5.4-13.fc7.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh net-snmp-5.4-13.fc7.i386.rpm
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Solaris mpxio
I listed server and storage that I used. I do not know exact model names.
Sun Fire X4150 DGC
Sun Fire X4150 HITACHI-DF600F
Sun Fire X4150 SUN-StorEdge 3510
Sun Fire X4100 M2 SUN-StorEdge 3510
Sun Fire X4100 M2 EMC-SYMMETRIX-5771
Default configuration worked for all storages above but I had to enter entries below to /kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf for mpxio
device-type-scsi-options-list="HITACHI DF600F", "symmetric-option";
symmetric-option = 0x1000000;
Sun Fire X4150 DGC
Sun Fire X4150 HITACHI-DF600F
Sun Fire X4150 SUN-StorEdge 3510
Sun Fire X4100 M2 SUN-StorEdge 3510
Sun Fire X4100 M2 EMC-SYMMETRIX-5771
Default configuration worked for all storages above but I had to enter entries below to /kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf for mpxio
device-type-scsi-options-list="HITACHI DF600F", "symmetric-option";
symmetric-option = 0x1000000;
Monday, 14 April 2008
Acronis True Image for Linux
Os SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 (i586)
Acronis agent for linux
upload acronis.i686 to server
chmod u+x acronis.i686
./acronis.i686 -a -i TrueImageAgent
I got this error at console but there weren't file trueimage-setup.log. I used -d switch to get details.
Acronis True Image Echo Enterprise Server Setup failed to build kernel modules. Consult /var/log/trueimage-setup.log and /var/lib/dkms/snapapi26/0.7.29/build/make.log for error messages.
./acronis.i686 -d -a -i TrueImageAgent
In the log file I saw these entries.
Error! Your kernel source for kernel 2.6.5-7.244-smp cannot be found at
/lib/modules/2.6.5-7.244-smp/build or /lib/modules/2.6.5-7.244-smp/source.
Installation program build kernel modules for application. I installed this packages for this purpose.
Acronis agent for linux
upload acronis.i686 to server
chmod u+x acronis.i686
./acronis.i686 -a -i TrueImageAgent
I got this error at console but there weren't file trueimage-setup.log. I used -d switch to get details.
Acronis True Image Echo Enterprise Server Setup failed to build kernel modules. Consult /var/log/trueimage-setup.log and /var/lib/dkms/snapapi26/0.7.29/build/make.log for error messages.
./acronis.i686 -d -a -i TrueImageAgent
In the log file I saw these entries.
Error! Your kernel source for kernel 2.6.5-7.244-smp cannot be found at
/lib/modules/2.6.5-7.244-smp/build or /lib/modules/2.6.5-7.244-smp/source.
Installation program build kernel modules for application. I installed this packages for this purpose.
Friday, 11 April 2008
Fedora 6 MythTv
Installed packages:
FreeType development package
lame package
downloaded and extracted mythtv-0.21
cd mythtv-0.21
make install
echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/
chkconfig mysqld on
service mysqld start
mysql -u root < mc.sql
run mythtv-setup command and configure MythTv
FreeType development package
lame package
downloaded and extracted mythtv-0.21
cd mythtv-0.21
make install
echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/
chkconfig mysqld on
service mysqld start
mysql -u root < mc.sql
run mythtv-setup command and configure MythTv
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
grub: not found or no block device
grub-install command failed
grub: not found or no block device
So I used the grub shell
# grub
grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (hd0)
grub: not found or no block device
So I used the grub shell
# grub
grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (hd0)
Monday, 7 April 2008
Install Linux from disk
I do not have DVD drive so I installed Linux from iso file.
Copy files
mount -o loop openSUSE-10.2-GM-DVD-i386.iso opensuse
cd opensuse
cp linux /boot/inst-linux
cp initrd /boot/inst-initrd
Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf
title Install SUSE
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/inst-linux
initrd /boot/inst-initrd
Drives and partitions start from 0. If your have boot filesystem as a partition change the lines "kernel inst-linux" and "initrd inst-initrd"
During installation first you choose disk then you have to type the directory and complete filename of the ISO file.
Copy files
mount -o loop openSUSE-10.2-GM-DVD-i386.iso opensuse
cd opensuse
cp linux /boot/inst-linux
cp initrd /boot/inst-initrd
Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf
title Install SUSE
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/inst-linux
initrd /boot/inst-initrd
Drives and partitions start from 0. If your have boot filesystem as a partition change the lines "kernel inst-linux" and "initrd inst-initrd"
During installation first you choose disk then you have to type the directory and complete filename of the ISO file.
Ip configuration files for Solaris
Create related configuration file. e1000g? are network interfaces you can find for your host via ifconfig -a
ls /etc/hostname.*
Entries in these files
cat hostname.e1000g0
cat hostname.e1000g1
cat hostname.e1000g2
You have to put ip adress to hostname
cat /etc/hosts hstnamereal loghost hstnamesec hstnameloc
Also to netmaks
cat /etc/netmasks
You can configure nodename which you see at the command prompt
cat /etc/nodename
Virtual interface
cat /etc/hostname.e1000g0:1
add /etc/hosts hstnamevirtual
ls /etc/hostname.*
Entries in these files
cat hostname.e1000g0
cat hostname.e1000g1
cat hostname.e1000g2
You have to put ip adress to hostname
cat /etc/hosts hstnamereal loghost hstnamesec hstnameloc
Also to netmaks
cat /etc/netmasks
You can configure nodename which you see at the command prompt
cat /etc/nodename
Virtual interface
cat /etc/hostname.e1000g0:1
add /etc/hosts hstnamevirtual
Disk monitoring via mrtg
OS Fedora 6 (I do not have dvd drive so I am still using this version)
Go through this document which his written for Red Hat.
yum install sysstat
yum instal mrtg
edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/mrtg/disk"
Start services
# service httpd start
# chkconfig httpd on
# mkdir -p /var/www/html/mrtg/disk/
edit vi /var/www/html/mrtg/disk/
UPtime=`/usr/bin/uptime |awk '{print $3""$4""$5}'`
KBread_sec=`iostat -x $disk|grep $hd |awk '{print $8}'`
KBwrite_sec=`iostat -x $disk|grep $hd |awk '{print $9}'`
echo $KBread_sec
echo $KBwrite_sec
echo $UPtime
# chmod u+x /var/www/html/mrtg/disk/
edit /var/www/html/mrtg/disk/mrtg_cfg_disk
WorkDir: /var/www/html/mrtg/disk
Target[disk]: `/var/www/html/mrtg/disk/`
Title[disk]: Disk HDA I/O Utilization Report
#Unscaled[disk]: dwym
MaxBytes[disk]: 10240000
kmg[disk]: KB,MB,GB
LegendI[disk]: Disk I/O KBread/sec
LegendO[disk]: Disk I/O KBwrite/sec
Legend1[disk]: Disk I/O KBread/sec
Legend2[disk]: Disk I/O KBwrite/sec
YLegend[disk]: Megabytes
ShortLegend[disk]: &
Options[disk]: growright,gauge,nopercent
edit crontab
*/3 * * * * /usr/bin/mrtg /var/www/html/mrtg/disk/mrtg_cfg_disk
Go through this document which his written for Red Hat.
yum install sysstat
yum instal mrtg
edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/mrtg/disk"
Start services
# service httpd start
# chkconfig httpd on
# mkdir -p /var/www/html/mrtg/disk/
edit vi /var/www/html/mrtg/disk/
UPtime=`/usr/bin/uptime |awk '{print $3""$4""$5}'`
KBread_sec=`iostat -x $disk|grep $hd |awk '{print $8}'`
KBwrite_sec=`iostat -x $disk|grep $hd |awk '{print $9}'`
echo $KBread_sec
echo $KBwrite_sec
echo $UPtime
# chmod u+x /var/www/html/mrtg/disk/
edit /var/www/html/mrtg/disk/mrtg_cfg_disk
WorkDir: /var/www/html/mrtg/disk
Target[disk]: `/var/www/html/mrtg/disk/`
Title[disk]: Disk HDA I/O Utilization Report
#Unscaled[disk]: dwym
MaxBytes[disk]: 10240000
Disk I/O Utilization Report
kmg[disk]: KB,MB,GB
LegendI[disk]: Disk I/O KBread/sec
LegendO[disk]: Disk I/O KBwrite/sec
Legend1[disk]: Disk I/O KBread/sec
Legend2[disk]: Disk I/O KBwrite/sec
YLegend[disk]: Megabytes
ShortLegend[disk]: &
Options[disk]: growright,gauge,nopercent
edit crontab
*/3 * * * * /usr/bin/mrtg /var/www/html/mrtg/disk/mrtg_cfg_disk
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Sun System Handbook
You can find support matrix, info docs etc.
You need user to access this site
You can find support matrix, info docs etc.
You need user to access this site
Hp, Windows Server 2003 support matrix
HP Windows Server Operating System Support Matrix
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 matrix
Switches to enable more memory for Windows
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 matrix
Switches to enable more memory for Windows
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Argument list too long
If there are many files and your ls, rm or mv commands not working you can use one of these
find /path/to -name 'yourfiles*' | xargs rm
find /path/to -name 'yourfiles*' | xargs -i mv {} anildel/
find /path/to -name 'yourfiles*' -exec rm '{}' \;
find /path/to -name 'yourfiles*' -exec rm '{}' +
find /path/to -name 'yourfiles*' | xargs rm
find /path/to -name 'yourfiles*' | xargs -i mv {} anildel/
find /path/to -name 'yourfiles*' -exec rm '{}' \;
find /path/to -name 'yourfiles*' -exec rm '{}' +
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Sendmail Troubleshooting
First of all I recommend enabling logging. Edit /etc/syslog.conf and be careful about using tab between entries.
mail.debug /var/log/mail.log
Restart syslog daemon
/etc/init.d/syslog restart
Check /var/log/mail.log.
You can find brief information about sendmail Email flow
Also some troubleshooting docs from HP
mail.debug /var/log/mail.log
Restart syslog daemon
/etc/init.d/syslog restart
Check /var/log/mail.log.
You can find brief information about sendmail Email flow
Also some troubleshooting docs from HP
Shell script Get the time difference
Get difference
date1=`date +%s`
date2=`date +%s`
date -d "00:00:00 $(( ${date2} - ${date1} )) seconds" +"%H:%m:%S"
date1=`date +%s`
date2=`date +%s`
date -d "00:00:00 $(( ${date2} - ${date1} )) seconds" +"%H:%m:%S"
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Sed and awk, find pattern and get next lines
Search pattern and print next two lines. You can add more getline and print here for awk and n;p for sed. Also you can do it via +2p
Get between two pattern
This is small script do same another way.
awk '/pattern/{getline;print;getline;getline;print}' file
sed -n '/pattern/{n;p;n;p;}' file
sed -n '/pattern/,+2p' file
Get between two pattern
awk '/pattern1/,/pattern2/' file
sed -n '/pattern1/,/pattern2/p' file
This is small script do same another way.
bgn=$(grep -n $pattern scsconfig.log awk -F: {'print $1'})
ed=`expr $bgn + 3`
cat scsconfig.log sed -n ''$bgn','$ed'p'
Friday, 29 February 2008
Tools for Troubleshooting Windows Server
Here is the list of tools which explained in the document.
Dependency Walker
Application and Service Tools
-Event Viewer
-Performance Logs and Alerts
-Program Compatibility Wizard
-The Resultant Set of Policy
-Task Manager
Operating System and Driver Tools
-Boot Logging
-Device Manager
-Driver Verifier Manager
-Error Reporting Service
-File Signature Verification
-Kernel Debuggers
-Memory Pool Monitor
Online Crash Analysis
Recovery Console
Shutdown Event Tracker
System Configuration Utility (Msconfig.exe)
Systeminfo (systeminfo.exe)
System Information (msinfo32)
Windows Update
Disk Tools
-Disk Cleanup
Networking Tools
-Network Monitor
-Telnet Client
Remote Management Tools
-Computer Management
-Emergency Management Services
-Remote Desktop
-Telnet Server
Here is the list of tools which explained in the document.
Dependency Walker
Application and Service Tools
-Event Viewer
-Performance Logs and Alerts
-Program Compatibility Wizard
-The Resultant Set of Policy
-Task Manager
Operating System and Driver Tools
-Boot Logging
-Device Manager
-Driver Verifier Manager
-Error Reporting Service
-File Signature Verification
-Kernel Debuggers
-Memory Pool Monitor
Online Crash Analysis
Recovery Console
Shutdown Event Tracker
System Configuration Utility (Msconfig.exe)
Systeminfo (systeminfo.exe)
System Information (msinfo32)
Windows Update
Disk Tools
-Disk Cleanup
Networking Tools
-Network Monitor
-Telnet Client
Remote Management Tools
-Computer Management
-Emergency Management Services
-Remote Desktop
-Telnet Server
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Ext3 journaling
Get your journalling mode
cat /proc/mounts | egrep "ext3"
(slow, but least risky) Both metadata and file contents are written to the journal before being committed to the main file system. This improves reliability at a performance penalty because all data has to be written twice. Without this setting in /etc/fstab, a file being edited in-place during a power outage or kernel panic risks being corrupted, depending on how the application is writing to the file.
(medium speed, medium risk) Ordered is as with writeback, but forces file contents to be written before its associated metadata is marked as committed in the journal. This is the default on many Linux distributions.
(fastest, most risky; equivalent to ext2 in some sense) Here metadata is journaled but file contents are not. This is faster, but introduces the hazard of out-of-order writes where, for example, files being appended to during a crash may gain a tail of garbage on the next mount.
Set or clear the indicated default mount options in the filesystem
tune2fs -O has_journal -o journal_data /dev/hdXY
tune2fs -O has_journal -o journal_data_ordered /dev/hdXY
tune2fs -O has_journal -o journal_data_writeback/dev/hdXY
Also you can define when you are mounting
mount -o data=journal /dev/hdXY /mountpoint
mount -o data=ordered /dev/hdXY /mountpoint
mount -o data=writeback /dev/hdXY /mountpoint
Or in fstab file
LABEL=test /mountpoint ext3 data=writeback 0 0
cat /proc/mounts | egrep "ext3"
(slow, but least risky) Both metadata and file contents are written to the journal before being committed to the main file system. This improves reliability at a performance penalty because all data has to be written twice. Without this setting in /etc/fstab, a file being edited in-place during a power outage or kernel panic risks being corrupted, depending on how the application is writing to the file.
(medium speed, medium risk) Ordered is as with writeback, but forces file contents to be written before its associated metadata is marked as committed in the journal. This is the default on many Linux distributions.
(fastest, most risky; equivalent to ext2 in some sense) Here metadata is journaled but file contents are not. This is faster, but introduces the hazard of out-of-order writes where, for example, files being appended to during a crash may gain a tail of garbage on the next mount.
Set or clear the indicated default mount options in the filesystem
tune2fs -O has_journal -o journal_data /dev/hdXY
tune2fs -O has_journal -o journal_data_ordered /dev/hdXY
tune2fs -O has_journal -o journal_data_writeback/dev/hdXY
Also you can define when you are mounting
mount -o data=journal /dev/hdXY /mountpoint
mount -o data=ordered /dev/hdXY /mountpoint
mount -o data=writeback /dev/hdXY /mountpoint
Or in fstab file
LABEL=test /mountpoint ext3 data=writeback 0 0
Friday, 8 February 2008
Export Local Group Policy settings to other Pc
If you want to move local policy settings to other Windows OS, move files under %systemroot%\system32\grouppolicy\ to other system.
Also if you delete files under this directory, you system will not have group policy. Do not forget to log off log on.
If you are managing workgroup. You can use this method for distributing policy.
Also if you delete files under this directory, you system will not have group policy. Do not forget to log off log on.
If you are managing workgroup. You can use this method for distributing policy.
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Data Execution Prevention problems
After converting physical machine to VMware virtual machine, I had problems opening display properties. Data execution prevention prevented some features.
Changing settings under system properties --> advanced--> data execution prevention and allowing application did not help.
So I edited boot.ini and disabled DEP via adding /noexecute=AlwaysOff .
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=AlwaysOff
A detailed description of the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) feature in Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005, and Windows Server 2003
Changing settings under system properties --> advanced--> data execution prevention and allowing application did not help.
So I edited boot.ini and disabled DEP via adding /noexecute=AlwaysOff .
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=AlwaysOff
A detailed description of the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) feature in Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005, and Windows Server 2003
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Fedora 6 make music via Rosegarden and CT 670
Rosegarden is free software digital audio workstation. It has MIDI and audio playback.
So I connected my Casio CT 670 keyboard, and played midi files via Rosegarden.
Keyboard has 4 channel so I also use software synth (qynth) for having more channels. But If you want to have good sound via software synth you have to have good sound card (asio drive prefered).
Install Rosegarden
yum install qjackctl fluidsyth fluid-soundfont qsynth rosegarden4
qjackctl -> this is for connecting qynth your midi device and rosegarden
qsynth --> software synth, you can find soundfonts from internet
So I connected my Casio CT 670 keyboard, and played midi files via Rosegarden.
Keyboard has 4 channel so I also use software synth (qynth) for having more channels. But If you want to have good sound via software synth you have to have good sound card (asio drive prefered).
Install Rosegarden
yum install qjackctl fluidsyth fluid-soundfont qsynth rosegarden4
qjackctl -> this is for connecting qynth your midi device and rosegarden
qsynth --> software synth, you can find soundfonts from internet
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Boot problem Solaris i386
I got below from and I used this for fixing problem.
"error 17, cannot mount selected partition"
1. Boot into Solaris Safeboot mode. You can get access at the Grub menu, usually the 2nd option. Note: I had to use the DVD install media to do this.
2. Mount the found Solaris partition on /a Safeboot will usually find the slice on the disk with Solaris and ask if you want it to mount on /a. Select Yes.
3. Move /a/dev, /a/devices, and /a/etc/path_to_inst to another name (I just append .orig) and then create new directories, (mkdir) /a/dev and /a/devices, and touch /a/etc/path_to_inst. I did not do this step.
4. Run "devfsadm -r /a" to rebuild the device tree.
5. Edit /a/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc and modify the line with "setprop bootpath '/pci@0,0....' to match the path you'll find mounted for /a (i.e. run a 'df -k' command, and you should see /a mounted from /dev/dsk/c1d0s0 or something, then run 'ls -l /dev/dsk/c1d0s0' or whatever your device listed was, and you should see the actual link point to ../../devices/pci@0,0/...) The path to bootpath you want should be the hard disk which is mounted as /a and you just need to find the expanded /devices/pci@0,0/... path and put that in the bootenv.rc file on the Solaris root filesystem on the hard disk (sans the /devices/ prefix of course). This is a key step.
6. Now run "bootadm update-archive -v -R /a" to rebuild the boot-archive on /a.
7. Make sure to edit /etc/vfstab
8. run a 'touch /a/reconfigure'
9. Run "cd /; sync; sync; sync; umount /a" And I skipped this one.
10. and finally reboot.
"error 17, cannot mount selected partition"
1. Boot into Solaris Safeboot mode. You can get access at the Grub menu, usually the 2nd option. Note: I had to use the DVD install media to do this.
2. Mount the found Solaris partition on /a Safeboot will usually find the slice on the disk with Solaris and ask if you want it to mount on /a. Select Yes.
3. Move /a/dev, /a/devices, and /a/etc/path_to_inst to another name (I just append .orig) and then create new directories, (mkdir) /a/dev and /a/devices, and touch /a/etc/path_to_inst. I did not do this step.
4. Run "devfsadm -r /a" to rebuild the device tree.
5. Edit /a/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc and modify the line with "setprop bootpath '/pci@0,0....' to match the path you'll find mounted for /a (i.e. run a 'df -k' command, and you should see /a mounted from /dev/dsk/c1d0s0 or something, then run 'ls -l /dev/dsk/c1d0s0' or whatever your device listed was, and you should see the actual link point to ../../devices/pci@0,0/...) The path to bootpath you want should be the hard disk which is mounted as /a and you just need to find the expanded /devices/pci@0,0/... path and put that in the bootenv.rc file on the Solaris root filesystem on the hard disk (sans the /devices/ prefix of course). This is a key step.
6. Now run "bootadm update-archive -v -R /a" to rebuild the boot-archive on /a.
7. Make sure to edit /etc/vfstab
8. run a 'touch /a/reconfigure'
9. Run "cd /; sync; sync; sync; umount /a" And I skipped this one.
10. and finally reboot.
Saturday, 12 January 2008
Configuration and Troubleshooting of 3510
Look documentation in
Verifying STMS (mpxio) Health
Troubleshooting Fibre Channel Devices from the OS
How to verify HBA Connectivity
Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] 33x0/351x Configurations
Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] 33x0/351x Hardware
Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] 351x Cabling
"Can't Connect to Sun StorEdge[TM] array via Ethernet."
Verifying STMS (mpxio) Health
Troubleshooting Fibre Channel Devices from the OS
How to verify HBA Connectivity
Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] 33x0/351x Configurations
Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] 33x0/351x Hardware
Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] 351x Cabling
"Can't Connect to Sun StorEdge[TM] array via Ethernet."
sccli Library database update error
Disable mpxio
change line to yes.
reboot server
change line to yes.
reboot server
Configuration steps Sun Storage 3510
Os Solaris 10 i386
Server Sun Fire X4100 M2
Storage SUN StorEdge 3510
I used disk 6 to 10 create logical drive RAID5 configuration.
now status
Check logical drive now
Create logical volume
Create map
3510 use channel 0 and pid 40 and channel 4 pid 44 here.
I recommend disabling mpxio if you are facing problems.
Be sure devices are connected now. If you have problem in this step and for the rest of them, I highly recommend check configuration of 3510 .
And see that disk devices are ok.
Now check that they are connected and configured, if not configure them
and run devfsadm command to build device tree. and see them with format command.
Server Sun Fire X4100 M2
Storage SUN StorEdge 3510
sccli> show disks
h Id Size Speed LD Status IDs Rev
2(3) 6 279.40GB 200MB NONE FRMT SEAGATE ST330055FSUN300G 0691
S/N 14T0VB9R
WWNN 2000001862817790
2(3) 7 279.40GB 200MB NONE FRMT SEAGATE ST330055FSUN300G 0691
S/N 14T0VE2D
WWNN 2000001862817673
2(3) 8 279.40GB 200MB NONE FRMT SEAGATE ST330055FSUN300G 0691
WWNN 2000001862811CF3
2(3) 9 279.40GB 200MB NONE FRMT SEAGATE ST330055FSUN300G 0691
WWNN 2000001862817416
2(3) 10 279.40GB 200MB NONE FRMT SEAGATE ST330055FSUN300G 0691
WWNN 2000001862811D30
2(3) 11 279.40GB 200MB GLOBAL STAND-BY SEAGATE ST330055FSUN300G 0691
WWNN 2000001862817F59
I used disk 6 to 10 create logical drive RAID5 configuration.
sccli> create logical-drive RAID5 2.6-10
sccli: created logical drive 72BE98D8
now status
sccli> show disks
Ch Id Size Speed LD Status IDs Rev
2(3) 6 279.40GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST330055FSUN300G 0691
S/N 14T0VB9R
WWNN 2000001862817790
2(3) 7 279.40GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST330055FSUN300G 0691
S/N 14T0VE2D
WWNN 2000001862817673
2(3) 8 279.40GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST330055FSUN300G 0691
WWNN 2000001862811CF3
2(3) 9 279.40GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST330055FSUN300G 0691
WWNN 2000001862817416
2(3) 10 279.40GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST330055FSUN300G 0691
WWNN 2000001862811D30
2(3) 11 279.40GB 200MB GLOBAL STAND-BY SEAGATE ST330055FSUN300G 0691
WWNN 2000001862817F59
Check logical drive now
sccli> show ld
LD LD-ID Size Assigned Type Disks Spare Failed Status
ld0 72BE98D8 1.09TB Primary RAID5 5 1 0 Good I
Write-Policy Default StripeSize 128KB
Create logical volume
sccli> create lv ld0 primary
sccli: created logical volume 391D4ADF
sccli> show lv
LV LV-ID Size Assigned Write-Policy LDs
lv0 391D4ADF 1.09TB Primary Default 1 ld0
Create map
sccli> show channels
Ch Type Media Speed Width PID / SID
0 Host FC(L) 2G Serial 40 / N/A
1 Host FC(L) N/A Serial N/A / 42
2 DRV+RCC FC(L) 2G Serial 14 / 15
3 DRV+RCC FC(L) 2G Serial 14 / 15
4 Host FC(L) 2G Serial 44 / N/A
5 Host FC(L) N/A Serial N/A / 46
6 Host LAN N/A Serial N/A / N/A
3510 use channel 0 and pid 40 and channel 4 pid 44 here.
sccli> map lv0 0.40.0
sccli: mapping lv0-00 to 0.40.0
sccli> show map
Ch Tgt LUN ld/lv ID-Partition Assigned Filter Map
0 40 0 lv0 391D4ADF-00 Primary
I recommend disabling mpxio if you are facing problems.
sccli> map lv0 4.44.0
sccli: mapping lv0-00 to 4.44.0
sccli> show map
Ch Tgt LUN ld/lv ID-Partition Assigned Filter Map
0 40 0 lv0 391D4ADF-00 Primary
4 44 0 lv0 391D4ADF-00 Primary
Be sure devices are connected now. If you have problem in this step and for the rest of them, I highly recommend check configuration of 3510 .
#luxadm -e port
/devices/pci@0,0/pci10de,5d@e/pci1077,143@0/fp@0,0:devctl CONNECTED
/devices/pci@0,0/pci10de,5d@e/pci1077,143@0,1/fp@0,0:devctl NOT CONNECTED
/devices/pci@0,0/pci10de,5d@d/pci1077,143@0/fp@0,0:devctl CONNECTED
/devices/pci@0,0/pci10de,5d@d/pci1077,143@0,1/fp@0,0:devctl NOT CONNECTED
And see that disk devices are ok.
#luxadm -e dump_map /devices/pci@0,0/pci10de,5d@e/pci1077,143@0/fp@0,0:devctl
Pos Port_ID Hard_Addr Port WWN Node WWN Type
0 a7 0 216000c0ff8b5125 206000c0ff0b5125 0x0 (Disk device)
1 1 0 2100001b3202e7c4 2000001b3202e7c4 0x1f (Unknown Type,Host Bus Adapter)
#luxadm -e dump_map /devices/pci@0,0/pci10de,5d@d/pci1077,143@0/fp@0,0:devctl
Pos Port_ID Hard_Addr Port WWN Node WWN Type
0 a5 0 226000c0ffab5125 206000c0ff0b5125 0x0 (Disk device)
1 1 0 2100001b3202dc8f 2000001b3202dc8f 0x1f (Unknown Type,Host Bus Adapter)
Now check that they are connected and configured, if not configure them
#cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c3 scsi-bus connected configured unknown
c3::dsk/c3t2d0 disk connected configured unknown
c4 fc-private connected configured unknown
c4::226000c0ffab5125 disk connected configured unusable
c5 fc-private connected configured unknown
c5::216000c0ff8b5125 disk connected configured unusable
c6 fc connected unconfigured unknown
c7 fc connected unconfigured unknown
and run devfsadm command to build device tree. and see them with format command.
Friday, 4 January 2008
Fedora WPA wpa_supplicant
Operating system ; Fedora Linux 6
Wireless Card ; Dlink D520 atheros based wireless pci card
For enabling wpa install wpa_supplicant*.rpm
edit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
# home network; allow all valid ciphers
And add line to /etc/rc.local for starting at boot time run the commands for starting wpa
wpa_supplicant -B -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -iath0 -Dmadwifi &
dhclient ath0
Wireless Card ; Dlink D520 atheros based wireless pci card
For enabling wpa install wpa_supplicant*.rpm
edit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
# home network; allow all valid ciphers
And add line to /etc/rc.local for starting at boot time run the commands for starting wpa
wpa_supplicant -B -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -iath0 -Dmadwifi &
dhclient ath0
Use WPA, if your wireless modem supports.
For cracking WPA, attacker has to do dictionary attack. If you use complex password, it is nearly impossible to hack WPA, if your password is not in the dictionary.
Also for cracking WPA, attacker has to catch handshake data, there are some ways to force handshake . But again the reason above, it is really hard to hack WPA wireless network.
For cracking WPA, attacker has to do dictionary attack. If you use complex password, it is nearly impossible to hack WPA, if your password is not in the dictionary.
Also for cracking WPA, attacker has to catch handshake data, there are some ways to force handshake . But again the reason above, it is really hard to hack WPA wireless network.
What about 128 bit WEP
For best data collection I use --ivs --channel and --bssid options for airdump.
I collect about 300000 ivs. Collection time for ivs depends traffic for the wireless network.
And again it took about a second to find the key I used.
For more security with WEP use dynamic key provisioning. 128 bit key or more. Then the attacker has to collect more data to hack your network.
Also use MAC filter and disable SSID Broadcast. But do not forget it is possible to change mac address and find your hidden SSID for an attacker.
I collect about 300000 ivs. Collection time for ivs depends traffic for the wireless network.
And again it took about a second to find the key I used.
For more security with WEP use dynamic key provisioning. 128 bit key or more. Then the attacker has to collect more data to hack your network.
Also use MAC filter and disable SSID Broadcast. But do not forget it is possible to change mac address and find your hidden SSID for an attacker.
Wednesday, 2 January 2008
Risky WEP 64 bit
This is for testing purpose and it is about my home network. I highly recommend not to access networks you do are not allowed to. This could be illegal for some countries.
I have HP Pavilion dv6000 series (dv6699ea)
I use BackTrack distro live cd (
I configured my wireless adsl modem 64 bit key.
After booting linux,
dv6699ea has ipw3945 wireless. You have to start wireless for this version:
cd /usr/src/drivers/ipw3945-1.2.0/ && ./load
aircrack support certain wireless cards please check it
Dump from wireless interface
bt ~ # airodump-ng eth1 --write test1
After collecting enough
bt ~ # aircrack-ng test1.ivs
It takes about less than a second to find keys for 64 bit.
So never use 64bit WEP wireless adsl modem.
I also tried
atheros based Dlink D520 in Fedora 6
and U.S. Robotics USB Adapter USR805422 in Windows XP. It worked.
I have HP Pavilion dv6000 series (dv6699ea)
I use BackTrack distro live cd (
I configured my wireless adsl modem 64 bit key.
After booting linux,
dv6699ea has ipw3945 wireless. You have to start wireless for this version:
cd /usr/src/drivers/ipw3945-1.2.0/ && ./load
aircrack support certain wireless cards please check it
Dump from wireless interface
bt ~ # airodump-ng eth1 --write test1
After collecting enough
bt ~ # aircrack-ng test1.ivs
It takes about less than a second to find keys for 64 bit.
So never use 64bit WEP wireless adsl modem.
I also tried
atheros based Dlink D520 in Fedora 6
and U.S. Robotics USB Adapter USR805422 in Windows XP. It worked.
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