Tuesday, 29 September 2015

log trace send application logs to remote syslog server

I aimed send log file (not /var/log/* all kind of application log files) from a system to remote syslog server. Nice part ; using multiple cpu, runs as a deamon , and it is configurable :) - you can specify any file,  you can search specific keywords or you can send all lines. all syslog proprieties are also configurable .

Probably you cant see all code so please select all start from to
#!/usr/bin/python to the end and then paste. You will see all codes.

Description: This threaded python script checks text files which defined in parameter file and (if you want you can specify search keywords) send lines to syslog server (with server, port, facility,priority) or any local file. It runs in daemon mode.

#Name:          Logtrace
#Release:       v0.2    03.June.2007
#Description:   This threaded python script checks text files which defined in parameter file and
#               (if you want you can specify search keywords) send lines to syslog
#               server (with server, port, facility,priority) or any local file.
#               It runs in daemon mode. 
#               Threads depends on logfile count*2.
#Written by:    ANIL ERCAN SONMEZ 
#Modified by:
#Notice:        You will see many processes, if you check with ps command.
#Modules:       ConfigParser,os,re,socket,sys,threading,time
#Parameter file content:
#;Log parameters for logtrace python script
#;Put your parameter file (logparam.ini) and script in the same directory
#;Each section [] starts with logfile_??
#;logfilename:   Put your file name here search for logtext_?? and send each line to syslog server or any local file.
#;logfacility:   auth,authpriv,cron,daemon,kern,lpr,mail,news,security,syslog,user,uucp
#;               local0,local1,local2,local3,local4,local5,local6,local7
#;               You can configure your syslog server which facility will be written to files.
#;               Check syslog documentation for priority and facility.
#;logpriority:   alert,crit,debug,emerg,err,error,info,notice,panic,warn,warning
#;               You can configure syslog server which priority  will be written to files.
#;               Check syslog documentation for priority and facility
#;logserver:     Ip adress of your syslog server.
#;               Please check syslog server has started with -r option and syslog.conf
#;               is configured to write to relative log file (messages etc.).
#;               You can find further information in syslog documentation.
#;               If you want to send logs another file in local system
#;               (except syslog controlled files messages,cron,boot etc)
#;               leave empty logport option leave empty logport option
#;logport:       syslog port, default 514.
#;timeout:       frequeny of log file control.
#;logtext_??:    search text for you log file. Use '' for sending all of new records.You can append more search.

def daemonize():
        import os,sys
        if os.fork(): os._exit(0)
        sys.stdin  = sys.__stdin__  = open('/dev/null','r')
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ = open('/dev/null','w')
        sys.stdout = sys.__stderr__ = os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno())

def log_watcher(logfilename,logfacility,logpriority,logserver,logport,logtimeout,search_keywords):
        import time, os, re
        file = open(logfilename, 'r')
        watcher = os.stat(logfilename)
        this_modified = last_modified = watcher[8]

        """ Go to the end of the file """

        """ Main Loop """
        while 1:
                if this_modified > last_modified:
                        last_modified = this_modified
                        """ File was modified, so read new lines, look for error keywords """
                        while 1:
                                line = file.readline()
                                if not line: break
                                for keyword in search_keywords:
                                        if re.search(keyword, line):
                                                if logport=='':
                                                        lgrfile.write(logfilename+' ' +line)
                                                        lgr = syslog_client((logserver,int(logport)))
                watcher = os.stat(logfilename)
                this_modified = watcher[8]

def configread():
        config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
 confpath =  os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/logparam.ini'
        thr = []
        for section in config.sections():
                if re.search('logfile',section) :
                        logfilename= config.get(section,'logfilename')
                        logfacility= config.get(section,'logfacility')
                        logpriority= config.get(section,'logpriority')
                        logserver= config.get(section,'logserver')
                        logport=  config.get(section,'logport')
                        logtimeout= config.get(section,'logtimeout')
                        for option in config.options(section):
                                if re.search('logtext',option):
                                        keyword = config.get(section,option)
                        thr= threading.Thread(target=log_watcher,kwargs={"logfilename":logfilename,"logfacility":logfacility,"logpriority":logpriority,"logserver":logserver,"logport":logport,"logtimeout":logtimeout,"search_keywords":search_keywords})

#-----This part belong to Sam Rushing syslog.py
# ======================================================================
# Copyright 1997 by Sam Rushing
#                         All Rights Reserved
# priorities (these are ordered)

LOG_EMERG               = 0             #  system is unusable
LOG_ALERT               = 1             #  action must be taken immediately
LOG_CRIT                = 2             #  critical conditions
LOG_ERR                 = 3             #  error conditions
LOG_WARNING             = 4             #  warning conditions
LOG_NOTICE              = 5             #  normal but significant condition
LOG_INFO                = 6             #  informational
LOG_DEBUG               = 7             #  debug-level messages

#  facility codes
LOG_KERN                = 0             #  kernel messages
LOG_USER                = 1             #  random user-level messages
LOG_MAIL                = 2             #  mail system
LOG_DAEMON              = 3             #  system daemons
LOG_AUTH                = 4             #  security/authorization messages
LOG_SYSLOG              = 5             #  messages generated internally by syslogd
LOG_LPR                 = 6             #  line printer subsystem
LOG_NEWS                = 7             #  network news subsystem
LOG_UUCP                = 8             #  UUCP subsystem
LOG_CRON                = 9             #  clock daemon
LOG_AUTHPRIV    = 10    #  security/authorization messages (private)
#  other codes through 15 reserved for system use
LOG_LOCAL0              = 16            #  reserved for local use
LOG_LOCAL1              = 17            #  reserved for local use
LOG_LOCAL2              = 18            #  reserved for local use
LOG_LOCAL3              = 19            #  reserved for local use
LOG_LOCAL4              = 20            #  reserved for local use
LOG_LOCAL5              = 21            #  reserved for local use
LOG_LOCAL6              = 22            #  reserved for local use
LOG_LOCAL7              = 23            #  reserved for local use

priority_names = {
        "alert":        LOG_ALERT,
        "crit":         LOG_CRIT,
        "debug":        LOG_DEBUG,
        "emerg":        LOG_EMERG,
        "err":          LOG_ERR,
        "error":        LOG_ERR,                #  DEPRECATED
        "info":         LOG_INFO,
        "notice":       LOG_NOTICE,
        "panic":        LOG_EMERG,              #  DEPRECATED
        "warn":         LOG_WARNING,            #  DEPRECATED
        "warning":      LOG_WARNING,

facility_names = {
        "auth":         LOG_AUTH,
        "authpriv":     LOG_AUTHPRIV,
        "cron":         LOG_CRON,
        "daemon":       LOG_DAEMON,
        "kern":         LOG_KERN,
        "lpr":          LOG_LPR,
        "mail":         LOG_MAIL,
        "news":         LOG_NEWS,
        "security":     LOG_AUTH,               #  DEPRECATED
        "syslog":       LOG_SYSLOG,
        "user":         LOG_USER,
        "uucp":         LOG_UUCP,
        "local0":       LOG_LOCAL0,
        "local1":       LOG_LOCAL1,
        "local2":       LOG_LOCAL2,
        "local3":       LOG_LOCAL3,
        "local4":       LOG_LOCAL4,
        "local5":       LOG_LOCAL5,
        "local6":       LOG_LOCAL6,
        "local7":       LOG_LOCAL7,

import socket

class syslog_client:
        def __init__ (self, address='/dev/log'):
                self.address = address
                if type (address) == type(''):
                        self.socket = socket.socket (socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                        self.socket.connect (address)
                        self.unix = 1
                        self.socket = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
                        self.unix = 0

        # curious: when talking to the unix-domain '/dev/log' socket, a
        #   zero-terminator seems to be required.  this string is placed
        #   into a class variable so that it can be overridden if
        #   necessary.

        log_format_string = '<%d>%s\000'

        def log (self, message, facility=LOG_USER, priority=LOG_INFO):
                message = self.log_format_string % (
                        self.encode_priority (facility, priority),
                if self.unix:
                        self.socket.send (message)
                        self.socket.sendto (message, self.address)

        def encode_priority (self, facility, priority):
                if type(facility) == type(''):
                        facility = facility_names[facility]
                if type(priority) == type(''):
                        priority = priority_names[priority]
                return (facility<<3 data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-priority="">
        def close (self):
                if self.unix:

#-----Sam Rushing syslog.py finished here.

if __name__=='__main__':
        import re
        import os
        import sys
        import ConfigParser
        import threading

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