Friday, 29 January 2010

Moving Ubuntu in Company

M$ Windows OS is only supported OS in my company. But I decided to move linux, because i am administrating around 180 Linux bases machine. These are tools which used before and afer .

M$ Office 2007 --> Installed Crossover Linux and M$ Office 2007
M$ Office Communicator --> Pidgin with Office communicator plug in
Windows share --> samba smb://domain;username@host/share and add "connect to a server" applet to panel.
Remote Desktop --> Terminal Server Client
Securcrt --> ssh in console itself with ssh key and clusterssh
wireless --> Also wireless is ok with dynamic wep protected eap with ca certificate and mschapv2 authentication.
internet explorer --> firefox and google chrome
babylon dictionary --> stardict
backup --> ddrescue and rsync for individual folders
gtalk --> cntlm and pidgin
vpn --> kvpnc
itunes --> gtkpod and rhythmbox

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